Personal. Simple. Comprehensive. Let’s Get It Done.
Keeping a busy schedule means you and your team need IT you can count on. When you find yourself needing support, you’re already stressed out… By the time you reach out you need someone reliable. A happy-to-help expert, curious enough to figure out what your real problem is-, not someone who just slaps a Band-Aid on the problem for the easy quick-fix.
Business Continuity
Cloud Computing
Help Desk
Our Complete Care IT support includes everything you need to keep your team up and running.
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Complete Care
Imagine a partnership which allows you to better plan, budget and maintain your IT Infrastructure-without the hassle of managing it yourself or the expensive costs of internal hires. Bay Computing’s Complete Care solution provides your people with proactive, accessible and comprehensive IT support by making Bay Computing your full-service IT department. Strategic technology planning, flexible support and monitoring, maintenance and recovery options are each tailored to meet the specific needs of your unique organization. , COMPLETE Care makes IT worry-free when it simplifies, streamlines and improves operations by providing you with the support you need, when you need it at a predictable monthly cost.
Complete Data Protection
The perfect complement to Complete Care, provided in two options to match your business needs.
Data Recovery
There’s nothing worse than looking for an item that you just had- and feeling like you’re going crazy. When a file goes missing, and you’re searching frantically, realize you don’t have to worry. You’ve got a silver bullet. With one quick call, our team of experts can restore the last copy or any one of the recent versions of your file which mysteriously went MIA. Get back to what you do best instead of spending your day in panic.
Business Continuity
If you’ve ever experienced a work catastrophe, chances are, you never want to again. Whenever a server crashes or your network goes down, your business is brought to its knees, and you desperately need to get back up and running. In making that happen, the only thing that will matter is if and how well you were prepared. With the Disaster Recovery option, your company is back to work in mere minutes.
Cloud Computing
As your business charges forward, you need to be ready for the future. Success requires not only adapting to, but embracing the competitive advantages that technology can provide.
When you leverage the power of cloud computing, your people can simply log on and get working securely from any location with an internet connection. Release yourself from the costs and responsibilities of traditional hardware and take advantage of being able to add capacity, increase capabilities and expand your infrastructure on the fly with Bay Computing’s customized cloud computing options.