Align IT with Business Goals
Let IT Pros Focus on the Future
Whether you work alone or with a full team, somehow it always feels like you never have enough IT staff, resources or time on hand to get everything done on schedule.
The never-ending fight to keep your head above water can be exhausting when your projects keep getting pushed back whenever you get tied up with break-fix issues. Once you finally manage to carve out a block of dedicated time, it’s back to square one with wrangling vendors, getting product procurements approved and managing end-user demands and expectations.
Before you know it, users are complaining that their requests are going unanswered as soon as helpdesk resources are stretched thin, and the cycle begins again.
At Bay Computing, we specialize in helping you break free from the frustrations and the problems keeping your hands tied. When you have us take care of the problems in your way, those organizational goals you’ve been striving for suddenly become obtainable.
Our team of seasoned technicians and veteran engineers act as your boots on the ground, giving you the specialized help you need, when you need it, and where you need it. Whether you need help implementing new technologies, access to the right management tools, assistance providing end-user helpdesk support or are seeking additional technical resources to complete your IT projects, we are ready help you complete your strategic initiatives.
You know that investing in IT is investing in your company’s success. Your company chose you to build and carry out the vison you have for your organization’s IT. Let us help you drive your goals forward and make your accomplishments shine.

Complete Care
Imagine partnering with a company that offers a solution allowing you to better plan, budget and maintain your IT Infrastructure without the hassle of managing it yourself or the expensive costs of hiring internal staff. Complete Care provides your people with proactive, accessible and comprehensive IT support by making Bay Computing your full-service IT department. Strategic technology planning, flexible support and monitoring, maintenance and recovery options are each tailored to meet the specific needs of your unique organization. Complete Care makes IT worry-free when it simplifies, streamlines and improves operations by providing you with the support you need, when you need it at a predictable monthly cost.
Business Continuity
If you’ve ever experienced a work emergency, chances are, you never want to again. Whether it’s a single file which goes missing or the burden of having to recover from a disaster, what will matter is how well you are prepared. With Bay Computing, your dedicated team works diligently to maintain and improve your systems, but even more importantly, is there at your side, and with your backups whenever things get suddenly get tough.

Cloud Computing
As your business charges forward, it you need to be ready for the future, and a key part of that is not only adapting, but embracing the competitive advantages that technology can provide. When you leverage the power of cloud computing, your people can simply log on and get working securely from any location with an internet connection. Release yourself from the costs and responsibilities of traditional hardware and take advantage of being able to add capacity, increase capabilities and expand your infrastructure on the fly with Bay Computing’s customized cloud computing options.