Data Loss Prevention: Overcoming Fear Of Failure

We all fear failure. And for those of us working in technical IT support, the two words which immediately strike fear into even the hardiest of souls are – Failed Array

To explain what a failed array is you first need to know a couple of things about computer servers.

And to get us started, letā€™s answer:

What Is An Array?

An array is a series of hard drives that can be combined in multiple ways to appear as a single…

Your IT Technician’s Top 7 Tips to Keep Your Business IT and Networks Safe

Want to Keep Your Network and Your Business Safe?

Hereā€™s What Your Employee End Users Really Need to Know: Advice from Your IT Support Technician


One of the most common things that people forget when thinking about office technology and network management is actually one of the its important elements: the basic security and daily habits of end users.

While those of us who work in IT solutions can put…

BYOD and Your Business Technology: Why BYOD Policies Are Key to Success

Bring Your Own Device: Right for Your Office IT?

Another day, another acronymā€¦Things have changed over the years and while BYO (Bring Your Own) may have different meanings depending where you find yourself, the popularity and importance of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) has continued to grow rapidly over the last few years. 

Why Are Businesses Choosing BYOD?

Organizations and businesses throughout the Bay Area have taken note of the:

  1. Cost-Savings Opportunities
  2. Employees’ Preferences
  3. Streamlining Potential
  4. And the Benefits of Greater Flexibility


BYOD and Your Business: Why BYOD Policies Are Key to Success

Bring Your Own Device: Right for Your Office IT?

When you first hear “BYO” mentioned, office technoligies may not be the first thing that springs to mind…

Things have changed in the workplace, and BYO (Bring Your Own) has taken on a new significance as the popularity and importance of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) has continued to grow rapidly over the last few years.

Why Are Businesses Choosing BYOD?

Organizations and businesses throughout the Bay Area have taken…

How Ransomware Held Police Hostage

Megacode Malware Takes Hold Of Police Servers

As the ransomware problem heats up, even police servers aren’t safe!

Just a few weeks ago, Megacode cryptoware brought down four police offices and a sheriff’s department with a server attack and put sensitive personal and police data at risk. It’s no longer just private businesses who choose are affected by online ransom demands when it comes to ransomware, and even the police are starting to give in.

Businesses without the…

5 Signs You Need Professional IT Support

It can be tempting to get by with a makeshift IT system. Third-party professionals will charge you for IT services, and if youā€™re just backing up to a couple of hard drives, why not let the savvy computer guy handle it? Then your whole office gets hit with a virus and the computer servers crash.


Top 15 Weakest Passwords Of 2015

Common Passwords, Common Problems


You lead a busy life, and it’s tricky enough having to remember all of your daily tasks and errands, let alone a new password for each and every account that you have.


How to Prepare for Windows Server 2003 End of Support

Coming Soon: Windows Server 2003 End of Support Date

It is almost time for Windows Server 2003 to shuffle off to that big network in the sky. The official End of Support date (EOS) for the operating system is July 14, 2015, after which it will no longer be actively supported by Microsoft. Everyone working in Bay Area IT services is currently scrambling to meet the demand caused by this changeover.

Is It a Big Deal?

Very much so….

IT Services Bay Area – Windows Server 2003 Going Out of Support

How to Prepare for Windows Server 2003 End of Support

It is almost time for Windows Server 2003 to shuffle off to that big network in the sky. The official End of Support date (EOS) for the operating system is July 14, 2015, after which point businesses will no longer be actively supported by Microsoft.

With the deadline rapidly approaching, businesses throughout San Francisco and the Bay Area are currently scrambling to find technical help as they look to update and…

7 Key Ways Professional IT Support Helps Improve Business Operations

IT Solutions Provider Helpdesk Technicians at Work7 Ways Professional IT Support Helps Your Business Flourish

IT Solutions Technicians Heldesk Responding to Office Tickets

Technology is the backbone of modern commerce, so strong technical support is vital to the success of any business. But with steadily increasing overhead costs and thinning profit margins, allocating precious funds to professional IT support often seems unnecessary. After…

Best Practices for Choosing a Cloud Provider in the Healthcare Sector

Best Practices for Choosing a Cloud Provider for an Elective Healthcare Practice

Although cloud computing is often regarded as a fairly new phenomenon, it has in fact been in use in one form or another since the late 1990s. However, its adoption by medical practices, including those in the elective healthcare sector, has been slow. By employing these best practices when choosing a cloud provider, you can make sure you’re getting an IT services firm that is the correct…

5 Quick Checks: Is Your EHR Management HIPAA Compliant?

Five Steps: Is Your EHR Managment HIPAA Compliant?

The advent of electronic health records (EHR) have improved many aspects of health care: faster data sharing, better care coordination, increased patient participation, reduced errors and more.

Healthcare IT HIPAA for Bay Area Practices EHR Systems

But it also means that additional steps are necessary to ensure that your patientsā€™ electronic protected health information (ePHI) is protected and…

Healthcare IT Support: How Working With an IT Service Provider Improves Patient Care

Healthcare IT: Free Up Your Practice to Focus on Patients

Top-rate medical practices are often let down by sub-par technical support, so it may be time to source the professional-caliber IT support services you need. However, that is sometimes easier said than done, and it’s important to know what support services your practice requires to protect your electronic health records (EHR) and the Electronic Personal Health Information (ePHI) you deal with each day.


As a physician, worrying about your…

What is Rombertik? Latest Spyware Attacks Your Computer if Detected

What is Rombertik? Latest Malware Attack Triggers Destruction Tactics Upon Detection

Just yesterday, security experts discovered the latest strain of malware, nicknamed ā€œRombertikā€, a specialized ā€œwiperā€ malware smart enough to actively take precautions to help itself avoid detection. 

But most importantly: If Rombertik even suspects, let alone confirms malware analysis, it will activate a number of “self-destruct” type functions on the host computer it has infected to stop you in your tracks. Here’s hoping you have updated…

How To Implement Best Practices For Business IT

As a business owner, it can be overwhelming trying to stay up to date in the latest and greatest best practices for business technologies, but you know you need to keep your network, systems, and data safe in order to keep your office operations humming along.


Best Practices in Securing Mobile Healthcare Devices

Best Practices in Securing Mobile Healthcare Devices

Many physicians and practice support staff participate in bring your own device (BYOD) arrangements at work. Having a BYOD policy is both convenient for staff and cuts the cost of supplying staff with electronic hardware. However, without proper technology management BYOD can easily turn into a nightmare with regard to security, so follow these best practices to ensure your practice is safe.

Read More


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