Windows 10: Helping Your Office Bridge the Gap Between PCs and Tablets

How to Use Windows 10 for Seamless Transitions Between Office Devices

When Microsoft released Windows 8, it went too far in focusing on the tablet experience, leaving desktop computer users out to dry. Now it’s time for Windows 10 to show that Microsoft has an operating system truly capable of bridging the gap between PCs and tablets.

Approximately 74 percent of companies promote some form of bring your own device (BYOD) policy, according to ZD Net, resulting in a mix…

Avoid Data Breaches: Key IT Security Strategies for Your Business

Effective Strategies Your Business Can Implement to Avoid a Data Breach

Digital security is a vital concern for all businesses. In an era of constant security breaches, in a climate where businesses are targeted regardless of size, and unprecedented sophistication of data thieves, the most vital information can – and, according to statistics, likely will be – compromised at some point. Once a severe data breach occurs, the damage can derail organizations with crippling costs and possibly…

3 Reasons to Use IT Services as a Startup Business

3 Reasons to Use IT Services as a Startup Business

When you start a new business, you’re often running with a lean operation during the startup phase. You and your employees wear multiple hats to handle job duties, you’re working with a limited budget and you have a lot of upfront infrastructure to put in place. One area small businesses may skimp out on is IT support and staff. If you aren’t running a technology-centric startup, you might not place…

Making the Decision to Move Your Business to the Cloud

How to Decide for Your Business: Making the Decision to Move to the Cloud

The technology world makes frequent mention of “the cloud”, which often makes it difficult to determine if this too is just another tech buzzword or if “the cloud” is actually a key tool to help enable your business operations to succeed.


At the most basic level, cloud-based technology consist of hardware and software resources that you access through off-site based resources, instead of through an…

Key Raider Malware Targets Apple iOS Devices: What is it? Who is is affected? Should I worry?

KeyRaider Malware Targets Apple Devices

KeyRaider Malware Apple iPhone iOS Security

This week Palo Alto Networks announced their identification of the KeyRaider malware attack, “the largest known Apple account theft caused by malware,”  which to date has compromised the IT security of over 225,000 Apple accounts.

How Does KeyRaider Work?

KeyRaider targets “jailbroken” iDevices, which strips Apple devices of their built-in security measures. 

Windows 10: Helping Your Office Bridge the Gap Between PCs and Tablets

Windows 10: Helping Your Office Bridge the Gap Between PCs and Tablets

When Microsoft released Windows 8, it went too far in focusing on the tablet experience, leaving desktop computer users out to dry. Now it’s time for Windows 10 to show that Microsoft has an operating system truly capable of bridging the gap between PCs and tablets. Approximately 74 percent of companies promote some form of bring your…

How An Excellent IT Workflow Will Keep Your Business Running Steady

Setting up and maintaining IT operations can be challenging, especially when most business owners aren’t too focused on the technological side of things. Office IT can easily become a labyrinth of words in a foreign language, complex documents, and complicated systems. This is especially true in fields such as the insurance industry, or high-volume banking, which are fiercely competitive spaces of business. However, you can alleviate this

iPhone, iPad and iOS Fall Victim to YiSpecter Malware Attacks

Everyone was YiSpecter Fighting, Those Hacks Were Fast as Lightening

Your “how to” blog post should teach the reader how to do something by breaking it down into a series of steps.

Begin your blog post by explaining what problem you are going to solve through your explanation and be sure to include any relevant keywords. Add in a personal story to establish your credibility on this topic. And make sure to end your blog post with a summary of…

Experts Finding Malware Creativity Advancing Faster Than Ever

Experts Finding Malware Creativity Advancing Faster Than Ever

How many technology solutions does your business rely on? Integrated software packages, softphone-based VoIP systems, productivity enhancing smartphones — technology has transformed workplace productivity, but it comes with a dark side. Malware, which is malicious software such as viruses and trojans, continue to be a major problem. One anti-virus software company detected 2,205,858,791 attacks in Q1 2015.

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3 Ways to Grow Your Business With IT Services

Want to kick-start new business leading into 2016? Enable growth with best-in-class technology and IT Support Services

42 percent of small businesses have no IT department, yet many of these businesses rely on technology-based solutions to fuel their future growth. Without dedicated IT professionals, business owners or other critical personnel are regularly pulled away from their core business responsibilites to address ongoing IT issues.

Your business can’t grow if you’re constantly running around and putting…

5 Pervasive Myths About Cloud Computing

Businesses in the United States spend well over $13 billion each year on cloud computing services. As “Cloud” picks up steam as the latest buzzword, migrating to the cloud is no longer an expensive, risky venture reserved only for major enterprises.

With prices continuing to drop as the technologies develop and mature, the latest studies are finding that companies with fewer than 19 employees are now 20 times more likely to adopt cloud technologies than their…

Are You Accidentally Violating HIPAA Regulations?

In a busy medical office, it’s hard to keep track of each and every HIPAA regulation, and accidental HIPAA violations can easily occur. 

In many cases, practices discover multiple violations in place upon beginning compiance examinations before you or your users even realize you’ve done anything wrong.  (more…)

Too Small for IT Security? Data Says Think Again! Attacks on SMB Rise

Is Your Organization at Risk? If You Run Your Business Without Strategic IT Security, the Answer is…

For many small business owners IT security planning  can seem like a luxury, but a lack of proactive security can actively hamper growth, even among the smallest of businesses.At its worst, not having the right defenses in place can sink your business operations as your entire enterprise is brought to a standstill by a malicious attack. Read More


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